Not all 60th birthday joke gifts for men are over-the-hill gifts
- not that there's anything wrong with those. Whether you're looking for a
funny gift for a male coworker, colleague or associate with a sense of humor who's turning sixty, or you just want to tease your dad, husband, brother, male friend or other man on his milestone birthday - while at the same time making him feel good about reaching his "advanced" age, of course - here's a great selection of tongue-in-cheek presents for his sixtieth.
Gag Book Gi
fts for a 60-Year-Old Man

What You Don't Know About Turning 60
(paid link) is a great funny birthday gift for a man turning 60. This "pop quiz" tests whether a guy is qualified to be turning the big six-oh. There are seven categories, including romance, health, family, fashion, aging, recreation, and nostalgia. One question on the quiz is "What do the following words bring to mind: Free Refills." The answer...."If you said coffee, you're probably under 60. If you said a good prescription drug plan, you're probably 60 or older." The author, Phil Witte, is a humorist and a lawyer.

1000 Unforgettable Senior Moments: Of Which We Could Remember Only 246
(paid link) is classic...witty and hilarious, author Tom Friedman cycles through history to find funny moments when famous people forgot important things. It's enough to make any senior in training feel better about growing older.
Over the Hill Birthday Gifts for a Man Age 60
Okay, let's get it out of the way. I've picked through the over-the-hill presents to find the best ideas for a 60 year old man. These include the Over the Hill Tool Belt Survival Kit
(paid link) which features some of the worst puns (guaranteed to make you groan) and the funny book, You Know You're 60 When...
(paid link) .
Wine Themed Gag 60th Birthday Gifts
This funny 60th birthday wine glass
(paid link) is a tasteful, not to mention hilarious, gag gift for a guy and perfect for toasting at his party. Embossed with a pretend wine label with the words:
Product of 6 Decades
Sixty Plus
Classic Vintage
Fully Matured & Well Blended
The Laid Back Old Whiney Corkscrew
(paid link) is a nice gift for a laid back young
60-year-old man. And the Instant Youth Wine Bag
(paid link) promises "Instant Youth...just add wine."
Of course, if he's more into beer than wine, while you're at it, why not add on the Laid Back Ale-ing Old Fart Beer Stein? (paid link)
60th Birthday Funny T-Shirt Gifts
Many of the tee shirts in this section are in small, medium, large, XL, and XXL, and some even go up to size XXXL. These are tee shirts he's not likely to throw out, but will keep as mementos of the day he turned sixty.
For your husband or boyfriend, get the I'm Too Sexy to Be 60 T-shirt (paid link) to show him that he's still hot!
And if he knows it...try the Damn I Look Good tee
. (paid link)
The Really Cool 60 Year Old T-Shirt
(paid link) is a funny birthday present for an all-round nice guy, bearing the saying, "This is what a really cool 60 year old looks like."
If the man turning 60 likes tongue in cheek humor, get him the I Demand a Recount T-shirt.
(paid link)
Or try the T-shirt in military green, 60 and My Kids Still Can't Keep Up
With Me
. (paid link)
And if he's a birthday boy with an attitude, the I'm 60, What's Your Excuse?
(paid link) tee is a great 60th birthday gag gift idea. If he has an attitude and he's still as handsome as ever...It Took Me 60 Years to Look This Good
. (paid link)
And if he's got real attitude to rival somebody one fourth his age, try the T-shirt
(paid link) for guys that gives the year "sixty" the middle finger.
A gloom-and-doom sort of man will like the straightforward 60 Sucks
(paid link) t-shirt gift.